Your Authentic You Breakthrough™ Heroes

When you unlock your authentic you, you become the hero of your own life story.

Click on the struggles you relate to & hear from those who overcame those same struggles:

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Kris, the over-apologizer

Kris was a chronic over-apologizer.

He repeatedly doubted his own intuition, believing other people’s perceptions of him, struggling to stand up for himself.

He carried a fear of being alone.

When he did summon the courage to speak up for himself, he was told he was asking for too much.


Kris is fully connected to his self worth & self trust. He is assertive & fully trusts his intuition.

“I am experiencing deep, authentic communication. I’m in an amazing and supportive relationship. What used to trigger me and send me instantlly into apologizing mode no longer phases me.”

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Jay struggled to say ‘No’

Ever feel a strong resistance to be vulnerable?

Jay did too, & he didn’t trust himself to show up authentically in relationships.

He was afraid of letting people know he didn’t have it all together & avoided asking for help.

“I would feel resentment toward others for not meeting my unspoken needs, & then judge & shame myself for feeling that resentment.

“I’d say yes to things I didn’t want to do & my brain would immediately get to work, trying to conjure up an excuse to get out of it. It was exhausting. I became flaky & untrustworthy with others & myself.

“A week after releasing all my limiting beliefs about worth, I was shocked to report back to Troy that my people-pleasing behaviours were all gone. I now easily speak up for myself & ask for what I need. I now say no effortlessly & shame-free.”

The cause of all of Jay’s unwanted behaviours was that deep-seated baggage & lack of boundaries.

Would you like to be your authentic you just like Jay?

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Eden was a perfectionist

“Before working with Troy, I was so stuck in my head & I struggled to stay in my truth.

“I would overthink, over-worry, & I would check in with my environment before checking in with myself. I would try to make everything perfect for others which was absolutely exhausting.

“Everything changed on day 2 with Troy when he helped me release deep, childhood beliefs of ‘I don’t matter,’ & ‘it’s not safe to be me’.

“During coaching with Troy I realized that if you don’t show up as your true self & they say they love you, you can’t fully accept that because you feel they only love the version of you that you’ve been willing to show.

“Now, I am being all of my colours & when someone says they love me, I know they love the true me. & so do I.

“If that’s what you want too, you must reach out to Troy! It will change your life for the better, for sure.”

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Chris was avoiding conflict

“Silence is better than conflict” was his motto.

Chris deeply wanted to express himself but instead he self-censored & curbed his identity.

He would default to surface-level conversations with most people. He was often quiet in a groups, & he was an energy chameleon, matching other people’s energies to fit in.

He would let others speak but hold back his own thoughts and feelings to create or preserve external peace, but creating an internal conflict.

Chris & I uncovered 42 hidden limiting beliefs together in our 1st session, along with his hidden, deep-seated core belief, “It’s not safe to speak my truth.”

In session 2, he released all the baggage we uncovered & his relationship with conflict completely changed:

“I was surprised I was carrying so much hidden guilt. All of that is completely gone now & I don’t have to hide myself anymore. My confidence is 10/10, I trust my intuition & I don’t have to curb my true identify. I now believe that conflict is perfectly fine because it is the path to greater joy and speaking my truth creates deeper connections.”

Ready to experience the freedom that Chris is now enjoying?

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Kirsten had imposter syndrome

“I don’t want my secret to be discovered.”

The secret Kirsten feared getting out is that she didn’t feel worthy of any of her financial or business successes.

She feared failure, judgement & rejection constantly.

“My family & employees thought I had it altogether but I ws simply hiding all of my not-so-good habits from them. I didn’t let them know how super-stressed I was. It got to the point where I was doing the bare minimum to get by.

Instead of living responsive, I was reactive. I didn’t have any healthy boundaries in place & I had a hard time speaking up for myself.”


“Boundaries baby!! I love ‘em. I can’t believe how easy it is to speak up for my wants. I finally escaped insecurity & got unstuck. it’s amazing to show up with the power I know I yield. It’s great to finally feel successful. & when I do lack success, I no longer lack confidence.

“I’m finally free of needed validation from others because my self-love, self-trust & self-worth are off the charts! Thanks, Troy! You are a master Brain Ninja!”

Ready to connect to your innate worth like Kristen did?

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Kelly was seeking validation

Can you relate to Kelly whose self doubt affected her life, her work, & her relationships?

“I came to Troy because I was a fixer. I would go above & beyond too quickly, wanting to fix others to prove my value & worth.

“My lack of confidence left me feeling hurt & angry at times. I fell into validation seeking, while also hiding my true self.”


I’ve finally gotten out of my own way. I now embrace the true nature of who I am with confidence & ease. Before Troy, I didn’t think that was even possible. I now comfortably ask for what I want & need. I actually have authentic communication, feeling secure & safe.

“I now people-serve rather than people-please, and the anger has been replaced by joy & satisfaction. I didn’t realize how energy-draining my self doubt was until I was free of my childhood baggage.

“I want to thank myself for investing in my mental & emotional freedom. & to be fully transparent, this probably saved my marriage.”

Ready to swap self-doubt for true confidence like Kelly did?

To learn more about baggage, click here.

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The Next Step Is...

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Your Authentic You Breakthrough™

complimentary clarity call

Your Powerful 60 minute session includes:

*3 key steps to stop hiding yourself & to be your authentic you

*2 major mistakes to avoid

*1 rapid self assessment for faster empowerment

*uncovering hidden baggage that is currently sabotaging you

*know the unique process that allows you to get past your past fast, gently & permanently. “The easy button for the brain.” ~Jay, D.C

*BONUS: a free anxiety release tool (I wish I had this during my two years of panic attacks)

Authentic U


How can I tell if I have baggage?

Do the 2 finger test. Put two fingers up against your neck.. When you find a pulse, you know you have baggage. 😀

We all accumulate it & much of it was created between ages 0-7. The good news is, as fast as it was created, it can be undone. That’s why there’s no need to manage our baggage when we can release it instead. click here for better insight.

“MER is how you heal for real.” ~Amber

“MER is the easy button for the brain.” ~Jay

“A quantum leap for personal growth.” ~Troy

Mental & Emotional Release® (MER) is a process that allows us to rapidly release negative emotions from the past, our limiting beliefs, phobias, PTSD, anxiety & depression. Unlike other popular methodologies, MER is fast, gentle & permanent. It is the very first thing I do with private clients because the effects are so instant & profound. click here for better insight.

Are you a Relationship Coach?

Yes, clients come to me for self healing & growth so they can connect with their true self, stop repeating unhealthy patterns, communicate authentically, & create deeper human connections for more joy & fulfillment.

You can help me overcome my anxiety?

Absolutely. Anxiety is not a life sentence. I used the very first step of Your Authentic You Breakthrough™ to overcome years of panic attacks immediately, medication free.

Can I really connect with my true confidence in a single session?

Guaranteed. Removing baggage reconnects you with your innate self-worth, self-love & self-trust - the foundation of true confidence.

Can you help me be a better communicator?

Indeed. I have 23 years of radio broadcasting experience, plus master level training in NLP for deeper confidence, connection & communication with yourself & others.

Are you international?

Yes, I coach with people world-wide, across all timezones.

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What is baggage?

What is MER?

“MER is the easy button for the brain.” ~Jay, D.C.

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Brain Ninja Coaching

To contact Troy, click here

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